Trenton Starchman

Worship/Technology Pastor

Hello, my name is Trenton Starchman. I was born in Joplin Missouri and grew up in the Joplin area all my life. I was saved at a young age, but when I was in third grade my father had a hemorrhagic stroke. My family and I camped out at the hospital for hours until we were given the news that my dad had passed away. After 15 minutes my dad's heart would start beating again and he came back to life. This miracle grew my faith and taught me Christ’s power and love. 

I developed a love for music in third grade and would start playing the guitar in 7th grade. I played in various school ensembles and on my church’s worship team. After graduating high school I decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Music Industry from Missouri Southern State University. After a semester into my degree, I was asked by my pastor at First Baptist Webb City to be the interim Worship Leader. God showed me my calling through this position and taught me the importance of worship.

I met my wife Chloe at a campus ministry at Missouri Southern called Koinonia. I was the worship leader for the ministry and asked her if she would sing on the team. We became great friends and eventually started dating. Chloe and I would graduate college together and date long distance while I pursued my master's in Audio Technology from American University in Washington D.C. and she pursued a Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine.

God called me back to worship leading while I was living in Washington around my first semester into my master's. Finally, In December of 2023 Chloe and I would get married and eventually move to Oklahoma City in May of 2024 for her clerkships. God led Chloe and I to Grace Place and we are blessed to be able to worship and serve Christ with such an amazing congregation.